How to install Xtream IPTV Player on Windows ?

Xtream IPTV Player allows users to watch live TV channels, video-on-demand, movies, non-live TV shows and much more. After installing the application, you need to enter the m3u URL with the registered username and password to access the live TV channels. This application is available for Android users. If you want to use Xtream IPTV Player on Windows, you can install it using an Android emulator. Currently, there is no dedicated application available for Windows. Let us discuss how to install Xtream IPTV Player on Windows using Android emulator.

1- How to install Xtream IPTV Player on Windows?

This application is not available on Windows, so you need to install it using an Android emulator. Follow the steps below to install Xtream IPTV on Windows using the Android emulator:

# 1: Go to and download the latest version of the Bluestacks application.

Note: Download and install Bluestacks only if your RAM size is larger. If your RAM is smaller, then after installing Bluestacks, your PC may slow down.

# 2: After installing the Bluestacks application, run the application on your PC. (If may take a few minutes to open for the first time).

# 3: On the Bluestacks homepage, you will find the "Google Play Store". Double click on the application you want to open.

# 4: Click the "Login" button to connect to the Google Play Store.

# 5: Login with your Gmail ID and password.

# 6: Click on the Search tab and search for Xtream IPTV Player.

# 7: Tap on the "Install" button.

Once the application is installed, click on "Open". Now enter the channel URL and log in with the registered user ID and password. After logging into your account, you can watch the available channels and movies.

The above steps are necessary to install Xtream IPTV Player on Windows. By installing this application, you can add m3u playlist and start streaming it immediately. To install Xtream IPTV Player on Windows, we used Bluestacks. You can also use other Android emulators.